Little Shop Of Horrors

Little Shop of Horrors Authors note Well I've become rather obsessed with this movie/play again recently, and I've watched it like a million times. So late last night, as I was drifting to sleep this idea came to me. The only real changes are...

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Thunderbolts and Lightning-Chapter 2

Thunderbolts and Lightening Chapter 2 So seem to have liked the first one, because I got some watches. So, I decided as long as at least some people like it, I might as well continue :P Note, this one will have MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES...

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Thunderbolts and Lightning

Thunderbolts and Lightning By Josh The Panther This Is my first story here. Guess i figured it was high time I stopped just sitting and looking at the stuff everyone else posted and write one my self. The characters in this story are mine,...

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Concrete Angel

Concrete Angel Hiya I know this isn't my other story, but I wanted to take a little break, and the idea for this just kinda popped into my head. Another story with a song name for a title, I know, I'm just so creative :P "D-d-dad. I'm......

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Thunderbolts and Lightning chapter 4

Thunderbolts and Lightning Chapter 4 Ohaidere readers J So yes, there is some yiffing between two males going on here. So ummm, if you don't like that, I would probably leave now. If that is not a problem with you, then here you...

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Thunderbolts and Lighting 3

Super sorry for the long wait for those of you reading this. I guess I kinda stopped writing due to being super busy with life. Here we are part 3 _ ~~Silas~~...

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Candles This may evolve into something else. Also sorry for not writing in forever, I've been busy, and rather uninspired to write much. Oh and this is inspired by Rent kinda sorta yeah. The song light my candle kinda brought this on. Enjoy A...

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