The Tiger who loves me (pt 4)

James was holding me as i opened my eyes, and his nose was up to mine, and his light blue eyes looked back into my grey ones. "I love you so much," he said with a slight smile "that i want you to be my mate." I was shocked. I was hit with a rush of...

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The tiger who loves me (part 3)

I awoke once again in my lover's arms. I was extremely rested, and We were still nude, I just lay there in an ecstasy unlike anything that I have ever felt before. I attempted to go back to sleep, but sleep was always just beyond my grasp. Eventually...

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the tiger who loves me (pt.2)

I awoke the next morning in James' arms. He was also awake, and looking me in the eyes. Apparently he had held me closer to him during the night, because wherever I moved one of my hands there was fur. He was holding me very tightly, with my face in...

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The tiger who loves me

My name is Daniel Roland, I am 15 years old, I have long black hair down to my shoulders (for headbanging) and I work for the organization my fellow operative Sam Fisher is in (splinter cell), the name is classified. What is a 15 year old kid doing in...

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