Out There, Ch 4

**Chapter 4** Kendra had her mech roll its shoulder, testing the repairs Imacha had made to it. All systems appeared to be working and diagnostics showed green as well. The little tordenchi did a wonderful job in the field, considering the poor...

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Out There, Ch 3

**Chapter 3** Imacha was the shortest among the giant aliens, short even for his own species. Thus Hakurr and the two humans in their mechs had to slow down to his pace in the trek towards the crash site. Even so, the 'small' tordenchi walked at...

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Out There, Ch 2

**Chapter 2** The Capher flew low over the planet's terrain. The lush landscape rushed past in a blur of muted blues, browns, greys, and greens. Neji's fingers danced over the control panel, making minute changes to the ship's scanner sweep...

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Out There, Ch 1

**Chapter 1** The quarters in the ship was illuminated only by a single computer screen and the myriad twinkling stars of space that could be seen through the room's wide window. Aside from the constant hum of the ship's engine that permeated the...

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Out There, Ch 6

**Chapter 6** Imacha carried Kendra in his arm, cradled like a small doll to his chest in order to reduce the jostling she would feel from his running. The small human gripped what she could of his attire and gritted her teeth. With each jarring...

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Out There, Ch 5

**Chapter 5** "You're telling me some kind of bug crawled into that doctor's neck, drove him nuts, and made him kill all of these people; made that monster try to kill us?" cried Adam incredulously. "That's insane." "Is it? Look at how the...

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Subjugation, Ch 5

**Chapter 5** Herik was parked across the street from the lieutenant's home. The lieutenant was home as Herik saw his vehicle parked in the driveway leading up to the house. He stared at the front door with such intensity that he thought for sure...

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Subjugation, Ch 6

**Chapter 6** Herik parked his vehicle down the block from the storage facility of Nashurr Transit Amenities. It was past zero three hundred hours in the morning and the only thing that kept the lupari pushing past his fatigue was his...

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Subjugation, Ch 4

**Chapter 4** The rain had stopped falling but clouds covered up the night sky, casting a somber mood over the city. Personal transports still moved from place to place, even at this late hour of the night. Herik had tailed Lt. Tashk's vehicle the...

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Subjugation, Ch 7

**Chapter 7** Herik sat in his vehicle finishing up treatment on his wounds. He wrapped up his forearm, wincing slightly in pain. When it was done he rolled his bloody shirt sleeve back down and pulled his ragged jacket back on. He tossed the...

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Subjugation, Ch 2

**Chapter 2** Herik stepped out of the public transit module and pulled up the collar on his heavy jacket. He slouched slightly as he stepped into the rain which continued to fall on the city, hoping the high collar would keep the water from...

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Subjugation, Ch 1

**Chapter 1** Rain fell down upon the city of Darrintin, a steady downpour enough to get one wet and chilled to the bone if out in it for more than a second or two. It made the streets slick, reflecting the light from the traffic signals, street...

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