The cabin

Birds chirping, winds breezing and waters waving by the winds. It was quiet in the woods, a place full of nature surrounded by trees and green lands. It was also a place to enjoy staying as they were cabins by the lake. A good spot for a nice view of...

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Mother’s love

My name is Maria, a single mother with my only son, Jake whom I love. He never had a father figure and I raised him on my own ever since I was a young woman. I was wild back then, I did not get any proper sex education or guidance about protection. At...

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Safe Word

I woke up from sleep, the sunlight had blazed from the window closest to my bed. My eyes felt heavy when trying to blink them, probably the reason I slept late. But I just noticed, Sandra had not slept with me when looking around the room and I was now...

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Dear Journal

Journal #1 Dear journal, this is my first time writing in this book. It was a gift, by a young beautiful woman whom I met. She was a canine, her fur was soft like feathers and brown, grey colours match of a dry breeze land and shiny green eyes...

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Secretary Affair

It was early in the morning, my husband and I woke up cuddling each other in bed. "Good morning", I said as I kissed him on the lips. "Good morning love, let's get ready for work shall we?" He stood and pulled me up with him. Both of us...

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Safe word

I woke up from sleep, the sunlight had blazed from the window closest to my bed. My eyes felt heavy when trying to blink them, probably the reason I slept late. But I just noticed, Sandra had not slept with me when looking around the room and I was now...

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Dear journal

Dear journal, this is my first time writing in this book. It was a gift, by a young beautiful woman whom I met. She was a canine, her fur was soft like feathers and brown, grey colours match of a dry breeze land and shiny green eyes like grass on the...

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Unfaithful Love 2 (rewrite)

The next day had arrived, if only Aida could have wished it never came. As usual, her husband got ready for work in the morning with her wearing only a nightgown, watching him putting on his tie. He was struggling with it and she came close to do it...

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