Songs of the Dragons Vol #1 Promenade of Fear Chapter 1

Chapter One - Unfortunate News All was still upon the mountain peak. Mist had drifted from the sea nearby and was clinging to the mountains below. The only sound to be heard was of the wind which was screaming and howling breaking the calm silence and...

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A Difficult Decision Part 1

At first Ryuuden was startled when he saw the dragon's cave. His mane which stretched from the top of his head all the way to the base of his tail flowed within the wind like a sea of emerald grass. Though being a dragon himself he was different from...

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The Mountains Song

We stand tall, We hear her call, We dig our roots deep, We never sleep, We are the mountains, The mountains of yore, We've been in myths, Legends and lore, We sing we pray, There will come a day, When light keeps dark at bay, Oh father sky...

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The Imaginary Kingdom (Poem #1)

Life, a simple illusion, Illusion a simple life, Twisted into a lucid dream, Where things aren't what they Seam when shadows fall upon Reality, imagination takes reign, Raindrops become instruments, The mountains a choir, The forests the...
