My First Story pt4

Hey guys, this part is a new character, not the one i've been writing about, I'll be getting back to him later. Oh and this part is switches characters a couple time, it's indicated by -. Comments would be nice...

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My First Story Pt.3 A new mission, a new problem.

Sorry I have not been posting this, fucking school, but whatever enjoy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afghanistan was always hot, but because of all the fire...

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My First Story Pt.1 Prolouge

The title says it all kind of. Also this is a prolouge so hope you enjoy. And I don't have a name yet, it will probely come to mind later. PT...

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My First Story Pt2 The Start of a New War

Pt 1:[](%5C) ----------------------------------------------------------------- We all heard the reports, a squad burned to death by some giant beast. No one believed it, not even my Captain. But,...

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My First Story Pt. 5 101st

Yay, Pt.5, still a different character. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parachuting was scary, mix that with dragons and it was worse. I was a Pvt., and...

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