MidnightSun chapter 5: Derek?

Derek looked down at the topless fox in the doorway.. was he half pink? Wait..!? " Hello Sparrow. May I ask why you are **here**...?!" Derek put emphasis on the last part, but Sparrow didn't notice. Some part of Sparrow knew he should...

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MidnightSun chapter 4: not As Planned

Sparrow and Becky sat in her car in silence. Sparrow didn't know what to say, and Becky.. Becky was struggling to understand what she did, and why. Becky pushed a button on the radio and The Riddle played. She set it up just for...

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Midnight sun Chapter 3: New beggining

Sparrow woke up slowly in a soft bed, soft sheets and with a horrid stench up his nose. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked around. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know why he was there.... He didn't know who he...

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MidnightSun chaptor 2: Attacked

Sparrow hung his sisters keys up and was about to turn around when he felt a blinding pain in his back. He had never felt a pain like this before, it was agony. Then suddenly he felt another and another in different places. The amount of...


MidnightSun: Welcome!

"Hello and welcome to the midnight Sun!" Exclaimed the greeter of the club to people entering. "We are the finest night club in all of America!" The greeter, a young white fox by the name of Damian 'sparrow' Bourne was standing inside the...

Midnight Sun: final: Goodbye

Sparrow had not spoken a word since he woke up, he left the room when Becky entered without exception. A month had past since Sparrows break down. He sat alone in his room at all times, just looking at the roof. A knock came at his bedroom door...

The Legend: chapter one; a bad morning

(Since I haven't posted anything in a LONG time, I thought I should try and think of something to post... ANYWAY! Its short at the moment, but it will get longer. I only did this in a few hours, wile not in the mood to right.. be gentle) The...

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Freebird:Childhood: Chapter 3: New beggining..

I have not been in the mood to write anything lately, so here is a something short. nothing more. nothing less. if it makes no sense, then eh. Anyway, you know the drill, don't like it, deal with it. like it, leave a comment and maybe...

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Freebird: Childhood: Chapter 2: Happy Birthday!

(I would like to state now. I hold NO religious views, I have nothing against those who do. If anything I have said in these stories offends you, please. Leave a unhappy comment then get flamed by those who enjoyed it. But, apart from that. I...

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Freebird: Childhood: Chapter 1: Ame 7

(Before we get started! I hold NO religous views, I have nothing against those who do. The start could be classed as Blasphemy by some. If you get offended by that, feel free to leave an uphappy comment and get flames by those who may...

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