A Tail of Bunny's Rescue Pt. 2

Thanks for the reviews, I'm sorry the last chapter took so long and I hope this one hasn't. Warning: The following story contains scenes of violence, harsh language, offensive language (racial slurs) and yiff. Please don't read any further if you...

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A Tail of Bunny's Rescue

Warning: The following contains scenes of violence, yiff and adult language. If you are under 18, or whatever the legal age is in your country, please do not read any further. Thanks for the reviews; I really appreciate it. Sorry it's taken me...

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A Tail of Bunny's

This story is adult in nature, please don't read it if you are under 18, or whatever the legal age is in your country. This story contains scenes of rape and yiff, if you don't like it, leave. It was raining out side. Had been for three days....

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