Harpoon Fishing: 3

I had everything I thought I needed: a week's worth of clams; my sister's spear; clean clothes, along with a fresh change if needed; a few coins of the King's gold, as was all anyone would accept in these lands; and a map leading to the nearest...

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Harpoon Fishing:1

Close your eyes and imagine waking up on the beach, sunrise creeping in above the horizon, your partner resting quietly beside you. A smell of smoke reminds you of the campfire last night where you had some delicious fish, and made love for the first...

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Harpoon Fishing: 2

I swam to the shore less than a hundred meters away from the wreckage of town. I crawled up the beach, out of breath. Not because I was exhausted from swimming, more so that I had too much on my mind. My father was dead... He tried to save me, and...

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