In the world of Avernus there were four powers, The Cladmakers sentient beings made of metal and flesh twisted together, they stood tall throughout the centuries never seeming to die. To the North dwarves who used their minds to create new unfounded...
Birth, Dragon, Dragoness, Tongue, cloaca
As darkness falls so do I
With its cold hands
It surrounds me
The only thing
Keeping them away
From tooth and fang
Is the fire
That burns even
In rain
As you see with the naked eye
You could blink and die
With all its beauty
Nature, Poem
Luna slithered into the courtyard of the palace where she had been requested. She didn't know who would summon her, a commoner to such a place of high honor, but she still left immediately upon receiving her summons and now she had arrived. It was only...
Assault, Dragon, Dragoness, Female, Male, Snake, Story, Welp, child, teaser