Heat on a ship...

Hey there, everybody. Me again. I've cum to deliver another story. This is dedicated to the insane, but totally memorably Cyrus T. Nightmare. Cyrus, Rice, and Ripper are his property and I used them with permission. Do not take his characters. Jessy,...

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Late Sex

Terrance was sitting at home watching an old comedy by himself. The tv iluminated his form and made the whit in his fur seem blue turning his red fur patterns violet in the poor lighting. Yawning loudly he continued to watch,"...He will ask you...

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I'm sorry dudes, but Veya is my character, if you take her I will be forced to hunt you down and stab you with an emo knife. If you are under the legal age please don't read this, it is supposed to be NC-17. If you are over age feel free, but know...

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Damn Aphrodisiacs

Hey All This is my first fic posting so please be nice. Miyu sat comfortably in her soft comp. chair surfing the net for anything interesting while occasionally looking at the darkening room. It was nine. Giving up on the net, Miyu stretched her...

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