Aquel Árbol de Salacs

**Una historia corta que escribí en el momento de inspiración.** **Disculpen si hay algunas palabras que no entiendan sea por la utilización de algunos regionalismo, trate de hacerla en español neutral lo mas que pude, pero siempre esta google para...

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Can It Be Real? Prologue

Hey, This is my first series that i am going to upload on Sofurry, It features Rein (copyright of fluffyisawolf) in later chapters and Vex (copyright of me) as the main character. Beware, this includes hot man on man action later in the story, if you...

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Unnatural Urges

Hey guys! Been a while since i uploaded a story! I wrote this out for practice and don't worry, Still working on Can It Be Real, ITS NOT DEAD YET! \>:D Anywho... Long story short, if ya don't like guy on guy then this isn't for you, If you are under...

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Where the Winds Take Me

Disclaimer blah blah blah: Hey gues, Im back, I've had this for a while and it was actually edited by an editor so i hope there arent many mistakes, as last time Ozark is my only character and this story is to uncover who he is, Note that my last...

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