The beach (English)

The beach (English) - Let's sit here, I just eat and I don't want to go to the sea now. - Said Daniel, the little Siamese cat before sitting on the sand. He was accompanied in that move by Saul, the horse; the oldest and the larger there,...

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What (genre?) is that Pokemon?

The hitmochan was running through the woods while saw the red pokemon flying above his head. She quickly tried move up on the first ground elevation she saw. While climbing, she noticed that four inchs from your side there was a rock and above the...

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The beach (Português)

** - Vamos sentar aqui, eu acabei de comer e não quero ir para o mar agora. - Disse Daniel, o pequeno gato siamês ao sentar na areia. Sendo acompanhado nesse movimento por Saulo; o cavalo, o mais velho e o maior ali, apesar de ainda ser um jovem de 19...

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The slide

The slide to the pool was what attracted most the children from 13 to 16 years old. The stairs aside slide were full of kids who formed a huge queue. The stairs next of the attraction were done of the same material of the slide, a hard blue plastic,...



- Divide 30 by half and add 10, what do you get? - The TV presenter ask. - 25 - say the fox firmly. Three already has fallen, but more two participants were still in the game. The gameshow consisted in to answer questions correctly for not have...

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