Just Another Gay High School romance chapter 8

Another month had passed since that fateful day in Coren's room. Will had been giving Coren the love and affection he had been craving for a long time now. He thoroughly enjoyed cuddling up against his big strong wolf when they stayed at each others...

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Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 7

Coren's eyes fluttered open as he woke up on that Saturday morning. He smiled to himself, feeling relief that he once again had the day to himself. He realized that his mom and Mr. G would be up by now, so he decided to throw on a t-shirt and shorts...

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Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 6

It had been a month since Coren had visited Will's house. Will was confused when Coren left that day. He went over that day several times to figure out what had happened. Why had Coren left in such a hurry? Why did he look hurt? Will was clueless. As...

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The Right Setting

"BLAHRG! This whittling stuff is IMPOSSIBLE!" I looked to my right and saw my boyfriend struggling to cut a random stick on he had picked up off of the ground. "Derek, You're supposed to cut away from yourself, not towards yourself." I chuckled as he...

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Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 5

Coren rushed out of his 8th hour to meet up with will at the front of the school. His stepdad was doing whatever the hell he did and his mom was working late today. He could do anything since Mr. G never cared anyway. It didn't take long for Coren to...

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Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 4

"COREN, IT'S TIME TO GET UP FOR SCHOOL!" Coren moaned as he awoke and somewhat groggily shouted back "Okay..."He sat himself up and rubbed his heavy eyes, rubbing away the sleep that plagued them. Coren forced himself up out of his bed and he began to...

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Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 3

Coren couldn't keep his jaw shut. This hansom wolf that walked into the room was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. His fur was a light brown color and his hair was dark brown. His muzzle was covered in a cream colored fur that made...

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Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 2

"I'm home!" Coren shouted as he entered the front door to his house. The house itself was a mess. There was garbage scattered over the brown carpet, and the house reeked of smoke and alcohol. The couch that faced towards the small TV was in shreds, and...

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Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 1

Coren Donatell hated high school. Being the 16 year old junior he was, he never really got along with anyone. Coren was very antisocial and very reserved, and only talked to his close friends. In fact, his friends were the only reason why he ever came...

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