The Breaking of Tialla

Groaning softly, she began to stir. Sensation was the first thing to register in her mind -- something warm and soft beneath the bare skin of her head and hands, over which the silk-smooth fabric of her accustomed dress easily slid. Fur, probably. She...

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To Catch a Thief

Against the Grey I. To Catch a Thief Moonless nights were best for skulking. That was a part of the Creed that Eren had long ago learned and proven to his own satisfaction. Unfortunate it was that such nights came only at monthly intervals....

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A Vixen's Luck

I knew it meant trouble as soon as the cry went up: "Sail in the west!" It could have been another merchant ship, of course, something innocuous. I felt it an ill portent, though, and the worried glances Valentine and the mate exchanged told me I...

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It rained the day I met Kagami. The sky didn't weep -- the rain was a symphony; the rain was a caress; the rain was a promise, whispered, half-forgotten. I didn't shrink from the rain; I was in my element, and soon indoors. Imagine the club:...

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A Vixen's Talent

On our fifth day in the jungle, the doctor died. It was not a quick death, nor an easy one. Not like Armand, whose eye had been pierced by a dart that lodged itself into his brain, slaying him long before the poison smeared on its needle-like...

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