When Instinct Takes Over.
You asked, you recieved, hope it meets exspectations. c: Enjoy. (Sequal to Submitting To Instinct). It had been three days since Autumn's little run in the hay with Tank, she had been sore up until yesterday but it was completely worth it. She...
Meet the alpha. Part 2.
The female, obviously nervous, tucked her tail between her legs and glanced back at the male. The male smirked pulling his nose away from her back legs slowly and licked his chops once to the left and once to the right with his long flat tongue and...
Meet the alpha.
Her soft paws crunched through the snow and icy dirt beneath her. She'd been walking for days after being seperated from her pack. She had always been the submissive type, but there was no room for weak female in a pack of 20, an so she was left...
Submitting to instinct.
(First time uploading a story onto this site, so try an take it easy on the critisizm, I'm pretty easily discouraged. Anyways I hope its worth your time). Her name was Autumn, her features well suited to her name. With hazel eyes and silky waist...
Naughty Elf Slave
Resa let out a soft moan, the warm bath water around her sloshing as her body wiggled. Her head leaned back against the lip of the comfortable bath tub, her soft golden hair spilling against the outside of the tub, keeping it from getting wet. Her body...