"The Lost Map of the An-Ordis Dominion: A treasure lost to the ages of time. Now, I'm sure you all have heard these stories before; a lost civilization, half-destroyed, left inthe drain and desperately hidden by the last people who ever saw it blossom....
Adventure, Furpleasure, archeology, indianna jones, whip
"Way way back;...ok, about 2 years ago, down on the 23rd precinct of Proteus Town, on the corner of 5th and Main sits the Proteus Police department in all its glory. A large, beautiful building of 3 stories, representing everything that is right in the...
Furpleasure, Police, Stripper
100110101101001. . .with 2 simple numbers I can make you a king, or ruin your life. . . I
could rule the world, but revenge works just as nicely.
10:50 am. . . I break into the wirebox, my laptop is humming away and I have only 10 more minutes to...
Female, Furpleasure, Hacker, Other stuff, binary, conspiracy
Few people know the feeling one gets when a gun is cocked less than a foot from their head. Even fewer love that feeling. I love that feeling Kouga loved that feeling. A one on one staring contest with a barrel that seems to go on for miles. It seems...
Bunny, Family, Furpleasure, Kitty, Other, mafia, swords VS guns
\*Sigh!\* Well where to begin?...I've never done anything like this before. I wanted to be an actress, or a model. He said I could be great here, and I believed him. What a fool I was.
I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Caity, and I'm a...
Furpleasure, Human, Romance, Squirrel, dancer, slice of life
"Yourka Bekkers!" Judge Stone's voice rang out. "For illegal possession, dealing, and ingesting of Marijuana, and this being the 10th , TENTH! Time you have been brought before this court on this charge, I sentence you to Fourteen months community...
Cougress, Furpleasure, Mallcop, Marijuana, Wolf, community service
It's really hot outside, when I go, so it takes me by surprise when the rain comes and I am stuck in something brisk, even more-so when it begins to storm and I am lost in the city. I don't mind the rain so much anymore, it's quite common these days,...
Depression, Love, Unfair, metaphorical, patchwork doll, unrequieted
Mark had lived his entire childhood dreaming of nymphs. He heard about these mystical creatures from his grandfather and ever since, all he could think about were those gorgeous creatures of the lakes around the Aeru Valley. It was no secret that nymph...
Adventure, Human, Love, Nymph, basilisk, sailor
(This Story is ADULTS ONLY! If you are offended by narcicistic characters fapping int he shower and having rough sex thereafter (or people who misspell narcicistic...) You shold NOT be reading this! If your child reads this and you are...
M/F, Masturbation, Shower Sex, other things, varry
Bound into fact
**The Tale of the Last Dragon.**
Varry Preez
Chapter One:
_Your Captive_
Good evening children... Forgive my condescension, but I assure you, as it stands you are all much, much younger than I. A creature you have only seen...
Captive, Dragon, Legend, Transformation, folklore, varry
Chapter Two:
_Coming of Age_
In my years I've grown to love different predictable traits of you humans. I've watched in dark corners as you beat each other senseless over a shared lover. You rally in the streets for embarrassed...
Captive, Dragon, Legend, Transformation, dismemberment, folklore, varry