The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 2: Below The Sun

# [Below The Sun]( Twilight would have said she was used to the sight before her, one of endless blue, but that would be a lie. In reality, she had since the first...

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The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 1: An Eye

The waves twisted and contorted, spiraling around the sides of an arrow shaped wooden craft. Bubbles fizzled around the sides and end of the small craft, colored an unsightly mix of dark green and murky white foam. The swell swirled endlessly against...

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 12: Trees So Tall

The First Week The sun was hidden, obscured behind a nest of clouds so thick that even the most powerful beams from that nuclear furnace could not penetrate through the barriers. Below the blanket of gray and black came a shower of a different sort....

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 11: I Can't See, I Can't Breathe

Waters of chaos have invaded all space. She scrambled for breath but couldn't find traction below the bellowing crash of the ocean. The normally bright sea was now a deep, ominously dark trench that continued to suck her further and further into it's...

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 13: Fading False Dawn

* * * The soil, cold, wet, and hard, crushed beneath his claws. The sleet from the previous night clung to the ground like a tick, wetting the earth below and creating a chilly, damp surface. Despite the chill, it did nothing to halt the young...

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 14: The Return....

# [The Return....]( Gold, gold as far as the eye could see. It stretched from horizon to horizon, a solid wall of glittering halcyon, neverending. The walls towered above them,...

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The sun rose slowly over the horizon, bringing the warming presence of daylight to Breezehome. Beams of orange light struck the small buildings. The guards who patrolled the wooden walls of the town raised their heads, smiling at the warmth. However,...

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Under the Heartless Sun

Dulled footsteps thundered through the snow, piercing the otherwise complete silence. The footsteps in the slush were momentarily present, before being covered over by a fresh layer of white powder. Clumps hung from the thick branches of the...

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 10: Backbone

Honestly, she was surprised she could even stand. More than that, she was still a bit surprised that death hadn't come, prepared to take her to whatever hell awaited her. It seemed that she had cheated the system a bit too much by this point....

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 9: Suffer in Truth

"Tell me again what you hope to gain from this?" Twilight sighed. The past three weeks had been busy, more so than nearly any she had ever had in her relatively short life. Didn't really help that the progress they had made was largely...

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 8: Do Not Look Down

The break from dream to life was strikingly sudden. Cynder's world was a void, her mind gone in a black pit where no life existed. Suffocating and lifeless, the black dragoness learned something during her time in desolation and darkness; the art of...

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 7: Oroborus

Up close like this, Twilight got a true sense of just how different Spyro was from the dragons she was familiar with. Other than not being bipedal like the majority of the dragons found on Equis, his scales looked smoother, his body less bulky and more...

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