Issue 01: The Guardiandragons
However, the guardiandragon accepted it as his home and has so far remained in the central chamber. arkas' physical shape towers over each of the other guardiandragons.
Issue 00: Wellcome in Daracoss
The individual guardiandragons can be found in the edition: the guardiandragons) the high dragons are known to the peoples under these names.
Issue 05: Magic and Rituals
Scales from guardiandragons or the "tears of wyverex" can also be used. these rare catalysts make up the strongest medias found in daracoss. the scales are particularly effective when the element associated with them is knitted.
Issue 02: The Folks of Daracoss
Even before the guardian-ages (more information about the guardians can be found in the issue: the guardiandragons), they left their mark on daracoss.
Ausgabe 01: Die Wächterdrachen
**Ausgabe 01: Die Wächterdrachen** Danke, dass Sie sich für ein Produkt der Daracoss Tourismusagentur (ein Unternehmen der Five Dragons Corporation) entschieden haben. Götter sucht man in Daracoss vergebens. Man darf also nicht beleidigt sein,...
Issue 03: The Bestiary
In addition to the guardians, the oldest dragons are among the most powerful creatures in the world (for more information, see the issue: the guardiandragons). not all types of dragons gain more skills and power as they age.