When I saw you past the breeze.

[may825](https://a.furaffinity.net/may825.gif "may825") may825](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/may825) for giving me the idea a long time ago to try this. thank you for helping inspire me to do something creative!

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A Blinding Death -- DREAM JOURNAL

Dream Journal One -- Dream had some time in April, 2011 Title : A Blinding Death It starts off, me overlooking my neighborhood from within my house, as where I usually am. Today is an exceptionally hot day out so children and adults are playing in...

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Nefermasi in: The Tomb of the Anubex

Nefermasi is mine, the anubex species was created by may825. the ending leaves the opportunity for a future character that i might have as a recurring antagonist for the sweet egyptian cat.

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