nataya was laid out upon the sheets, her pristine white fur matted with sweat.
Age Difference, Breast Fondling, Breeding, Brother, Cave, Cheating, Creampie, Cuckolding, Daughter, Deep Penetration, Deep Thrust, F/M, Family, Father, Female, Forest, Fucking, Group Sex, Heterosexual, Impregnation, Incest, Internal, Kissing, M/F, M/M/F, Male, Messy, Orgasm, Penetration, Rat, Rodent, Romance, Rough Sex, Sex, Siblings, Story Series, Straight, Threesome, Tribal, Vaginal, Virgin, Yiff, father/daughter, parent
Gift for foxypunkrawkgurl aka nataya
_what more could you ask?_
_when your true friends are here not wearing a mask._
_what more could you need?
2018, Accusation, Difficulty, Emotional, Gift, Help, Inspirational, Lost, Misery, Purple, Slander, Struggle, Succeed, Successful, True, affection, comfort, friends, helping, life, medic, nataya, need, sick, stand, support