MTG: Aqalax
The wi are ruled by an emperor,, this role currently filled by maka wakan, a veteran from the wars against new phyrexia.
Priest of Urabrask
(AN: This was supposed to have pictures in it but I don't know how to post them) She stood perched, aloof yet invested, above the burning Furnace pits. In the distance, a viron was similarly perched, gathering up massive currents of mana that flowed...
A somewhat creepy mood piece i wrote for the septinox, a phyrexia-knockoff race i created for my myriad universe. :) ah, you're awake! please, don't mind the fact we have drained you of blood before bringing you back.
Kruphix's Insight
And the human elspeth...she came here from a place called phyrexia, an entire world of flayed skin and twisted metal, ruled over by vicious, monstrous beings who style themselves gods.
A Tale of Two Steels (Lorwyn/Phyrexia)
Thus did the invaders come, tearing through the wind with marrow lights. The Aurora passed like a tide, but cut it was, and oblivious it was to them as well. Flame burst like a flaring sun, leaving ashes like burnt corpses. This happened outside...
Dancing with Demons
"i-wha-how-," phyrexia stammered. "just a little spell to rid me of any foreign substances in my system. nasty little trick you tried there, drugging me like that." "that's impossible! nobody could cast a spell when they're that aroused.