Academy V

It was a nice day in Tokyo Japan i was sitting on my porch sharpening my katana the reason i have a katana is i am a takoshima a vamper droid that is desinged to fight dark souls that lurk around Japan. There are 308 of us we werent creatd on earth we...

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Baseball Daydream

Both William and Sam were lounging on the couch, watching Fright Krewe. William had just received a wall carpet from his First Nation, Mamaceqtaw, and though he was invested he couldn't help but be sleepy next to the love of his life. "What's...

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Kaelabs story - The beginning

I awoke in the early hours of the morning to the clap of thunder from outside the cave. "Dam storm, it's been raining for 2 days solid!" I said as I lay my head back down and fell asleep again. I fell into a deep sleep fast and the next thing I...

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To Learn a Lesson Part 2: Home Sweet Home

Ryan looked around the room, astonished by how big everything looked, being half an inch tall would take some getting used to... virgil's room was a pretty big on its own.

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Kaelabs story

\*This is my first attempt at a story so if its bad i apolagise now!\* I awoke in the early hours of the morning to the clap of thunder from outside the cave. "Dam storm, it's been raining for 2 days solid!" i said as i lay my head back down...

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A Year Without Rain (song lyrics)

### Can you feel me, when I think about you, with every breath I take, Every minute, No matter what I do, My world is an empty place, Like I've been wanderin' the desert for a thousand days, Don't know if it's a mirage, but I always see your face,...

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raised by eevee

They had picked out some blue jeans, a lavender-colored long sleeve, some boots, and a flower bracelet. she also gave me a leather bag with the pokeballs that held eevee, charizard, shinx, and buneary. there are also some empty pokeballs.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-13 Goofing Off

Real life made itself known in some rather unpleasant ways on the way to getting this posted, but that is behind me and my editor. a simple chapter. some talking, some goofing off between friends.

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Bio-Morph FAQ 1

Bio-Morph F.A.Q. **What is a Bio-Morph?** Bio-Morph is short for Biological Anthropomorphic Robot, the media shortened it to Bio-Morph and the name stuck. **So is this just the standard Anthropomorphic animal race by another name?** Yes...

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A Slice of Lex: Ch. 5

I apologize for the some-yiff tag, it was the most fitting, as she did technically masturbate in story.

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Island Message

I'll just listen to some tunes and read." "could everyone just knock it off?" everyone fixated to a female badger wearing complete black starring at them from a couple rows up. "some of us are trying to sleep." just then the plane's engines failed.

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Stollen Heat

The Stollen Heat (Here is another short as before read at your own risk this one isn't cannon of my character in male form) Looks at my Dragon wife as we dance as it her first heat of the year, and we have planned on this moment for months. Unknown...

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