The Family He Never Had Part 16
Kala knew that terk was right but she also knew what terk was telling her was how she feels about kenji, as if she was implying that terk was in love with the young human teenager. "terk, do you think maybe you have feelings for kenji?"
The Family He Never Had Part 8
Both kenji and terk fell over towards the left and kenji landed on the ground, but he saw terk land on top of him.
The Family He Never Had Part 2
"your in africa, little man." answered terk. terk, flynt and mungo came over to him and they had reassuring looks on their faces. "i'm sorry we startled you." said terk apologizing to the kid.
The Family He Never Had Part 17
The kiss was making their hearts race faster and without thinking, terk pressed her lips on kenji a bit deeper as she began to make out with him. "terk." moaned kenji into the kiss. "kenji." moaned terk into the kiss.
The Family He Never Had Part 5
terk leaned her body forwards and kenji was now laying on his back with terk on top of him, both were giggling. "we're going to get along just fine." said terk.
The Family He Never Had Part 7
"would you feel better if terk was with you?" asked kala curiously. "if i do what?" came terk's voice. terk showed up as she seemed to pick up on what they were chatting about, kenji seemed to feel less nervous when terk was around.
The Family He Never Had Part 3
Said terk out of concern for kenji. "we could at least try, terk." said kenji showing some promise. "okay, than whose wrestling who?" asked terk.
The Family He Never Had Part 12
terk walked over to kenji as she could see kenji was grieving silently, seeing him looking at his reflection in the water. kenji suddenly seen terk's reflection in the water with him, terk had a sympathetic look on her face.
The Family He Never Had Part 14
terk and tantor seemed to know he was right as well.
The Family He Never Had Part 4
terk took hold of kenji's hand like they were holding hands and terk had quite the large hands for a female gorilla.
The Family He Never Had Part 15
Even as terk carried kenji back to the jungle, there was a smile on both kenji and terk's faces from the kiss but terk was a bit worried now about how things between her and kenji will be since she kissed him from right out of the blue.
Jane Porter: The Revelations Of Despair
Said terk like a giraffe of soulful consternations. "oh terk, i do not love you!" said jane sadly. terk got sad, and vagina began to cry acid tears of blood. "hahahahahahahahaha not even my ex-wife wants you sistah!"