wolvelmlos was similar in head to eckstal except his hair color was brown and a little shorter coming to the top of his head and being more bushier and unkempt.
Cerlin, Eckstal, Fantasy, Far, Man, Soldiers, Story, Synth, Talk, Vision, Wolvelmlos, alvin, around, away, followed, land, large, mind, room, think, trees, writing
Prologue of Alvinism: The Chronicles of Alvin Abernous
The fog had settled during the night and was now thick enough to make visibility only a few feet. Alvin stepped out of his house on the main stretch of road in the city and made his way toward...
Cloaked, Eckstal, Hands, Horses, House, Man, Solidos, Story, Wolvelmlos, Wooden, alvin, away, dogs, fog, force, fountain, gate, guard, practice, road, trees, writing