Panther Cream
She wonders how long xylen has been mating her. she looks around the room, spotting xylen's clothing and his sword. she slips out of the bed but is surprised as more of the panther seed drips from her.
Diary of a Planeswalker: Chapter 3
Several things were quickly obvious as I woke up. First of all, I felt really good, this was explained by the wingless dragon that I was no longer connected to beyond the arms I had wrapped around him, I noticed with some embarrassment, still a little...
Diary of a Planeswalker: Chapter 4
I suddenly woke up. The last thing I remembered had been a jungle. I was in a forest and the sounds of the forest, foxes howling, birds chirping, it was all rather relaxing. My nose suddenly picked up the smell of Mazurek, I knew I needed to get my...