#10 of poetry just a quick foray into free-verse poetry. not much more than unrestrained thought.
Something i had thrown together for a theo exam, honestly just needed a free verse piece for some style balance. wrote about what was heaviest on my mind, stress.
Torn, tied, captive I rest here with closed eyes For I dare not look to the future As I am afraid I'll lead a lonesome lie A silent misery tears and scratches my soul I am bound by myself and others However, this misery is mine alone Hidden by...
#4 of personal poetry creation date: 2013 emotional free-verse its one of those nights. when the weight you've been ignoring pokes out its ugly head and decides it no longer needs to remain quietly shifting your shoulders.
History Repeats Because Those Who Write It Write Repetition
First they came for the socialists, and I spoke out-- Because I had read That Poem. Loved its pathos, Its tragedy, And its warning. They came for natives, black people, immigrants, refugees-- And I spoke out. They came for the poor...
A Werejaguar Witch Doctor
free verse 9 lines i was sleeping in a teepee in elacruse, permeated by vibrant forests and verdant meadows, when it occurred to me the sultan was sick, and so i had to pack my medicine bags and go see him promptly, since the biomancers
My Shining Light
You were the light shining bright in the night sky, Leading me home where I belonged. But I started to go blind. I got scared and the more I fought the dark away, The less I could see you. Now I sit here, cold and surrounded by fear. I still...
All within the folds of a Rose
Beauty that lies underneath, Only seen by those exploring, The lovliness outside only hides the brilliance within. Smells tantilizing the senses, Only experienced by those trying, The pleasant essence only shadows the heaven within. Touch...
usually blank
Him and I. We are. Waves of pure boredom flooded your brain while _little streams of semen_ made you flinch and want to quit looking around for lifes purpose in the crook of her neck. and you sigh, and cough from your tobaccan mouth and we both feel...
December's Hope
The pure white snow descends upon the sinful town below, Asphyxiated by heroin deals and welfare checks. Where many are cursed without a face and a vacant path ahead, While others huddle around the fireplace, befriending gin and razors. Yet, as...
I exhale into the darkness Shadows blanket me in A cold, silent anger. "When does your hope die?" Confused, I exhale once more The shadows tighten their grip Their anger growing colder "Do you still have faith?" Once more, I breathe unto...
When you are sad, and you feel you can't go on. Tears well in your eyes and the pain is so strong. So far from your friends, and you're all on your own. No-one to run to, So very alone. When all seems so useless, and...