Eve vs. Twitch: Invisible War

Characters are copyrighted to Riot Games, story copy etc. etc. Evelynn stood proud and tall, owing mostly to her recent animation updates, in the purple team's well. Her blue skin glinted slightly in the bright morning sun, the nautical tons of...

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3:27 Silencing the Voices

"your life, like much in the invisible war, was stolen from you. you were forced to become a razor, an instrument of war that can't think or feel. they took from you what they could, leaving you only your mind as a place of solace.

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3:28 “Lay Your Soul to Waste”

_Parasite is the third part of The Underground series_ _Chapter 28 of 29_ **"Lay Your Soul to Waste"** Intelligence was the key to any survival situation. Nature proved this many times over again. Even today, animals would instinctively recognize...

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3:29 Something Dark Is Coming

_Parasite is the third part of The Underground series_ _Chapter 29 & the conclusion of Parasite_ **Something Dark Is Coming** Alias _Maybe that's why society is the way it is today. Maybe the good people of this world were simply...

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3:4 Living Dead Girl

The underground and the invisible war finally managed to leech onto the ignorance and naivety of the "real" world through the development of the internet. people always buying and selling shit to each other.

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1:10 A Dance With The Devil

That was the start of the invisible war." alias pulled out his pistol and unloaded the magazine. opening the center console, he pulled out a box of nine-millimeter hollow tips and began to reload. "your father," he continued, "is a major player.

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3:15 Interloper

They were invisible war players... but for whom? stepping to the curb to cross the street and avoid both parties, alias suddenly felt a surge of horror as he looked over at jenna.

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1:14 Conference #1

"of course, others know this as well, which is how the invisible war started. i've been lucky enough to have secured palamont for some time now. every other faction gets the leftovers, the second best, that i disregard.

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3:5 A Mutual Acquaintance

Topics like the invisible war and the underground itself were rarely brought up. neither of them even touched on issues such as xen hets, or their newest threat "the shadow player". it just wasn't the time for those things.

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3:17 Prime Directive

It was the front-line of the invisible war; brutal, barbaric, and without mercy. "exactly!" isis replied, eyes lighting up. "our world is dependent on the money this nation generates every day.

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1:6 Freak

That was the dream alias lived by, that someday he wouldn't have to work for people like hets and the invisible war would be just a bad memory. but it would be difficult. alias looked down and pulled out a pistol from its holster.

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1:2 Weakness

And there's a big fucking difference when they have an active roll in the invisible war, and when they live ordinary lives!" "it's what we do, how we fight this thing." atir defended himself. alias chuckled cynically and shook his head.

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