The Breeder

**The Breeder** I was having a rather pleasant dream, including a felidine and a couple of other pretty girls, when the com woke me up with its shrill, unpleasant beeps. I picked up and identified myself, knowing already what this would be about...

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IV. Happy Moments In Time

_Here, as promised, the extended scene. This is the first major extension I am writing, I hope you like it._ * * * **The Kiroth Wars IV. Happy Moments In Time** In a corner of the shed Tamara and Delia had found a new game. Usually their...

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III. Revelations

_I rearranged things abit here. One of the yiff scenes will have its own individual chapter and a nice extension afterwards._ * * * **The Kiroth Wars III. Revelations** Kor yawned and stretched slowly. Every bone in his body seemed to...

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II. Strange Fate, New Love

_Another two old chapters reworked into a single new one. I'm trying to get rid of the "cut into too many pieces" look and feel while retaining a certain amount of the original structure. This part is almost an exact copy of the old chapters with only...

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I. The Capture

_Looking at all the fresh comments for the old discontinued series, I finally sat my ass down and started reworking it as I had planned, trying to apply all the advice that has been given to me by readers through comments, messages and email. The...

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Darkling Caught

**Darkling Caught** Sedrik slowly limped down the stairs into the basement of his tower. The muffled growls of her greeted him even before he entered the room. He smiled as he looked her over: "Well, well.. you are not as threatening bound...

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II. Promises

**Felidine Dreams II. Promises** Somehow Sharja managed to pass the afternoon. Abit of reading, watching tv and a great dose of dirty daydreaming. Still, the day seemed longer then any other before, then quite suddenly it was quarter to five....

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I. Double Date

**Felidine Dreams I. Double Date** Diane rushed up the stairs and into the small room she shared with her sister Sharja. She flung herself on the double bed and gave Sharja an evil grin that made her ears twitch in sudden apprehension: ...

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Echoes I

**Shifting reality: Exodus Part I: Echoes** **June 15th 2138, Jake's diary** I know its been long since my last entry (gee 39 years!), but they just took us out of the freezer, heh. To think that I went to sleep last century and now its...

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Winter Dawn

Winter Dawn --- by Benshee Daryl carefully plodded down the side of the snow-covered slope. Somewhere between the pass and the treeline he seemed to have lost his way, the path shrouded in deep white and barely any landmarks visible in the heavy...

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Wolfriders - I. Chosen

**Wolfriders** I. Chosen * * * **The forest has many eyes. The eyes of wolves and darklings, even of trees and rocks. The forest has ears, too. This particular forest also had quite a lot of teeth and claws, ready for the hours of the hunt, but...

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The great wolves VII

_Back to the wolf thread of the story :) This chapter will reveal abit more of one character's past and introduces a new face - a character that turned out quite different then I had pictured him at first (which was as a foe, maybe he still is and we...

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