
Had felt like writing a parable a while back and always really liked how it turned out. as for the moral of the parable, i'll let you all come to your own conclusions.

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TheFurryParable Ch.8 The long awaited reunion

But it has always been strange, these flow of events..... one can only explain them to be a parable perhaps... a furry parable.


The Furry Parable Ch.4 (ending 1)

Hmmm what a strange chain of events it was....... some would even say that..... it was, a furry parable....

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Why am I different?

Randall was a young fox. Small, wirey, and a little bookish, he was hardly an imposing figure. A good student, he had had occasional problems with bullies, but it had never seemed to his parents that it was much of an issue. That is, until one day last...

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The Bandit Problem

I actually wrote a parable, a rather topical one too. the moral of this story: no matter how painful it may be, you must confront your problems. you can't run away from them or pretend they don't exist.

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He remembered the rest of the parable. _i will not be afraid of the evils that lie within, for you are close beside me._ with that last thought, he moved up next to his partner, feeling confident knowing she was with him.

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The Hungry Lion

It was an average day, like any else. Nothing all that spectacular had happened to impress Lucien the Lion. He was hungry though, so he began a search for something to eat. He traveled near and far. Here and there. Over the river and even through the...

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Jhuthi Rsi Ka Gana

Thousands of years ago, Medhavi was born a sage and looked on the world with wisdom. No sooner had he learned than he walked away from his family and into the rituals. He had no sooner...

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BB Mythology: The Big Burst

I think they simplified the story to make it more of a parable. and it is a nice parable, right? two lovers making great sacrifices?" "well yeah, except ayo still has three nuts," pointed out azra, jabbing a claw towards the male's sac.

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The Furry Parable Ch.2

I hope you liked this chapter of the furry parable! rate this stuff and comment on what you want me to do better!


The Furry Parable Ch.3

Watch as danny discovers his mom's plaything, and his dad's secret to success, in this all new chapter of the furry parable! well, here we are again. huh-mmm, lets get going shall we?


I Believe Its Time To Wake Up

This parable... this infinite answer... this neverending finale. though my words are brief and probably shock you in there verocity, fret not, young one. it is time to wake up. it is time to experience what you couldn't have understood before.

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