Chapter 20
"okay much do you know about the connection between reptiles and dragons?"
Chapter 1: The Journey Begins
tensa... use slam on that panpour." "panpour dodge and use work up." cress ordered. tensa's attack missed, which surprised me. either they had trained their lillipups for speed, or tensa simply was messing around. "lillipup use work up as well."
Chapter 2: The Basic Badge
If you're going to train tensa you have to train me too. when we aren't asleep, we can hear everything you say, even in the poké balls." tensa translated what he said for me and i was a little bit surprised.
Chapter 4
tensa offered slowly.
Chapter 8
"tensa, how ya doing over there?" kyn asked. "you obviously aren't seeing him squirm." tensa answered after removing his tongue. serena churred at his work. "we've been watching you plenty though's a nice view."
Chapter 5
tensa asked. she shivered as marlow passed through her, swatting at him with her free claw as he passed, then blinked at tensa's request.
Chapter 19
tensa said. kyn waited until tensa had answered before speaking, "i don't suppose... you'd be willing to share that experience with me? i mean that in both ways, by the way." at kyn's question, she reopened the link.
Chapter 2
tensa said. her mouth twitched at tensa's comment, the only sign she had heard him, and took the phrasing funny. "right you'll have to trust me for your meals this lunch."
Chapter 12
#12 of started with a rock: arc 1 - the first journey mental speech key: {marlow} /everyone locally/ /everyone within a 50yrd radius/ <|kyn and tensa|> |tensa| [lacu] ~vendetta & jasmine~ -heji- it was nearing 6pm when serena slipped into the oasis center
Chapter 6
tensa heard it, but didn't think of it since he was only hearing half a conversation.
Chapter 1
In the case of tensa where it is specifically mentioned.
Chapter 9
She said to tensa and heji alike.