MLP The Chronicles of Fierce Charge: The Grand Opening Ceremony Pt. 1

For a month, during the honey moon they spent in the crystal empire, the media ponies published a miniseries in the papers about shining armor's lack of diligence in the face of the imposter changeling queen.

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Transcend - Part 2

A dreamy sigh left the changeling queen as she stared into the embers of the fire. it was morning proper now. the cold had seeped from the air, replaced by a gentle warmth. at least, inside the cottage it was warm.

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Rise to the Challenge

I could not imagine it being due to the changeling queen. what would we find once we got there? one by one, our friends joined us at the station.

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Transcend - Part 3

A soft sigh left the changeling queen and she found herself wishing, for just a moment, that she wasn't what she was.

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A changeling queen. how could no one gave told her?! scowling faintly, the pegasus stepped over to the window, lifting her hooves to the window sill and peering inside. the house was the same as it had been when it was transformed.

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MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Four

She did help turn luna back into herself, stopped the changeling queen from taking over canterlot, helped me find my \*yawn\* better side, foiled nasty king sombre, as well as broke through one of star swirl the bearded's greatest spells concerning the elements

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MLP The Chronicles of Fierce Charge: Hearts and Hooves Day Massacre

Fi had been a trainee during the incident when the distinguished captain had nearly turned into the love slave of the evil changeling queen. he still remembered when he and his fellows had been lured into the barracks and then barricaded inside.

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Transcend - Part 4

The changeling queen lifted a hoof to soothe him, but kept her gaze locked on the pegasus. she sensed what evergreen could not. the pegasus was a changeling. * * * chrysalis stared, a stunned expression written on her face.

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria Pt. 17

"this is the guy the changeling queen spoke of?" "yes," i hissed though my grinding teethes.

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Rescue from Limbo

Evil or not, i did not like the idea of killing the changeling queen.

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I.D. INJECTOR DOE - That Indestructible Something

My little pony had never shown a male changeling, only possibly sexless drones and chrysalis, the horrific and villainous changeling queen. crown had not become the character of chrysalis.

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