Delivery Boy

It was almost 10 at night when Ryan got called to make a delivery. The small five foot two feline moaned as the ticket came in for 3 large super supreme pizzas. The young cat had hopped that he would be able to leave at 10 but now he wouldn't be able...

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A Bear's New Dog

Jax was pissed off beyond belief. Slamming his dorm room door shut behind him, he stomped down the hallway, with steam all but billowing out of his pointed ears. Jax was a black and white husky. He was around 22 years old and in his third year of...

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Choose Your Own Adventure

You awaken to the smell of burning gas/oil. The faint crackling of blazing fire is just audible over the crashing sound of waves. Cracking your eyes open, you are at first met with a blinding light. After several moments, you open you eyes, now...

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I was built for this...

The crunch of his thick heavy boots was the only sound the large, bare-chested man could hear. He had spent the last several hours traipsing through the thick, dense forest searching for signs of the path he was meant to follow. He had started this...

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Wrestling Week Chapter 2

Nathans mind was covered in a thick fog as he slowly fought to regain his senses. The first feeling to register in his mind, other than the extreme pain in his jaw and throat, was a cold wetness. The sound of running water roared in his ears like a...

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My Hero, My Tormentor

shade moaned as the head of the little drake began to slide into his cock slit. with his tongue hanging from the side of his muzzle shade began to push more and more of spire into his shaft.

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Collage Adventures; New Neighbor

shade didn't answer as he continued to hold the others gaze.

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A Foxes Lustful Undoing...

Standing at a respectable 5'10 Edward Thorn or Rex as he preferred to be called, was proud of his tight and firm body. His weight never went above 175 lbs but never dropped bellow 160, he didn't want to be to skinny after all. His fur was a rusty red...

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Locker Room Domination

The locker room was filled with the sounds of several males as they went about their business. Many of them where in different states of undress as they either changed to start their work outs or had just finished and where about to shower. One of...

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If you go out in the woods...

Stewart couldn't believe what was happening to him. What was supposed to be a quiet walk in the woods had turned into a nightmare. He had been minding his own business, exploring all the hidden paths and trails the forest had to offer when he had been...

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A Quick Bite at the Mall...

Adrien loved going to the mall on Saturday nights. Between the shops full of awesome stuff, the crowds full of hotties, and hanging with his best bros, there was nothing the short raccoon loved better. Added to that, he had gotten paid this weekend...

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Trever had picked that moment to busy himself with washing shade's legs and foot paws apparently skipping over his crotch for obvious reasons. "shade..." he said softly.

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