Zen And The Great Ones Vault
_**This Was Heavily inspired by [DragonTalon'](https://dragontalon.sofurry.com/)s [COELL](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1345682) And i thank them for Inspiring me to actually attempt to write something instead on just keeping the scenario in my...
The World We Live In Character Reference - Narati Vasra
She is the one who make narati's life better, and introduced him to better life quality, at least in the post-apocalyptic wasteland karkas sobesk - initially at odds due to karkas's hatred to his race, they become fast friends after karkas realizes
Zombies are Wankers: Setting Everything Up
LAST TIME ON ZOMBIES ARE WANKERS: There is no last time here. This is just backstory and world-building. Enjoy. Let's go over our protagonist first. Going by the name of Albus Kane, he is a rather skinny blue lion, male, bisexual, and with plenty...
The Fallout 3
The Fallout By Kendo Kawabata Chapter 3 : It's not the same. The bridge leading out of Sanctuary was broken. The only real way in, if people didn't wish to cross the river that seperated the neighbourhood from the area beyond. Beside the first...
The Aftermath chapter 1
Hello every one! Finnally I finished the first chapter I'm sorry it seems short but I was really lazy lately and didn't write so I'm sorry it took so long to get out to you guys. Any ways... Welcome to the Aftermath if you read my character stories you...
Be Careful Where You Take A Rest
Well i've gotten several pics of my post apocalyptic gardevoir cassidy, and i've been working on several short stories involving her as well. this was just the first one i finished.
Time's Crucible Part Two
Time's Crucible http://www.weasyl.com/~iscin TIME'S CRUCIBLE by Iscin This is a work of fan-fiction commissioned by LoneWolf669. Gargoyles, the character of Brooklyn and setting belong to Disney Inc. PART...
Tales from Anthracite City 14: The Mountain Men Cometh
Anthracite City: The Mountain Men Cometh An Anthracite City Story By Psion All Rights Reserved To the east of Anthracite City lied the ruins of what was once Central Pennsylvania. Like much of the highlands of the Appalachian Mountains, this part...
Tales from Anthracite City 9: Red Light Entertainment
Tales from Anthracite City: Red Light Entertainment By Psion A Jessica McQuinn Story All Rights Reserved \<So why did you help me back there with... Ralph?\> McQuinn asked timidly as the day's events began to gradually wind down. From a bizarrely...
Tales from Anthracite City 7: The Return and Demise of Crimson Screamer
"and ran like a little chicken shit when he realized his third-rate supervillain antics weren't going to cut it against two rejects from a screwed-up post-apocalyptic western? yeah i think he did.
Tales from Anthracite City 1: Of Gods and Men
Anthracite city is a post-apocalyptic setting where humanity struggles after a inter-dimensional alien invasion toppled civilization and forced survivors to go into hiding.
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 14 - He Found His True Self
A golden-cast staircase with an ornate clock shaped like the stars themselves, a constant changing in constellations within every minute of every hour precisely. The celestial chandelier hung above the marble floor beaming transcendent auras of light...