Maycor and Demaeter

Atlas was a cripple--a three-legged dragon who was missing his left foreleg, and surely that was the reason why he'd ended up clanless. was the past even of any significance? all that mattered was the present, and his future.

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Story's from a mercenary part 1

The blue wolf quickly ducks behind cover and starts to shoot back only aiming to cripple not kill the guards so he can escape.

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The rise of rebellion (initium)

The people who lived in this town built on sand and dry wood all pay for their freedom to the serpents beyond the walls they even hide the fear that lives in the very depths of their minds and travels down to the hearts till it cripples them completely to

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While the Mice sleep... (Interlude)

Khaesho's prospects included a cave, a knife, and a crippled god. shou's possessions included... well, he actually didn't know intimately what she called hers, but he was willing to bet she wasn't materially prepared for raising a child.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 75

Why would he build a wall that crippled any offensive power they might have had otherwise? why?

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I Am

crippled, a thing to be discarded, numbers on a clip-board is how i'm regarded. restrained, taken, and then i'm foresaken, i see a face before i fade, looking torn, i am... awake? in his arms, and anew, reborn. stolen.

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Guardians: UGSM Serenity

Is capable of tearing through a ships hull if it hits it's target in the correct spot, failure to reach that spot let alone target it will result in excessive damage done to the vessel, but depending on the vessel that is targeted, will either hamper it, cripple

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My Sword, My Clan 12 - My First of Three

Stumbling down forwards, the rat-monster of indeterminate species snarled from being crippled suddenly as james now found himself within sight of the head.

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Angels of Aurum 1 - Across The Sea

_ the cripple stomped away with his stumped arms waving slightly. methyl looked at him with a strange chortle trying to read his face as she walked up alongside him to stare at the sea.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 13

She nuzzled the familiar snout before lying her own draconic face on the shoulder of the dragoness she knew as she pulled her friend into an awkward hug of a cripple.

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File #4

With the destruction of romulus in 2387, the crippled romulan star empire had become engulfed in internal conflict and therefore romulan security along the border had not been what it was in the past and maintaining the border had become much less of a priority

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Werewolf TF - Prologue (Old version)

crippled by fear and pain, i fell to my knees while from my hand dropped out a flashlight. so i'm not issue both from a broken tank fired the remaining four tendrils. i heard a strange sound i knew at that moment to move.

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