An Attractive Sylveon

His only respite came that the lucario was so pent up and needy, he didn't last especially long.

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The Raptor - A Halloween Poem

Then, methought, the air grew tenser, my dick coulds't be used by a fencer, swung by scalefolk whose clawed footfalls clack upon the floor, "wretch," i cried, "thy god hath lent thee-- by these scaly angels sent thee, respite-- and dismissing


Happy New Yeen

The fire granted no respite. it continued upwards and downwards, staining his fur. he tensed his neck backwards and stretched forwards his paws. his back crackled like kindling. the heat felt different, less frightening.

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Red Sector A

So many have turned away from the gods and now curse the heavens without respite for these awful circumstances.

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 4)

Thirty-seven rounds later, her mind whirling in a tornado of pain, jem gasped for air, moaning guttural female sounds and thanking the heavens for the momentary respite that had to come when the first soldier gave way for the second.

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Burdens - Chapter 45: Clear

The only respite in the chaotic day was the time roger spent with hunter. there was clarity in their interaction. it was as if the fog was blown away when he was near the wolf now.

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Sushi and Pizza

But both women needed an extended respite from their lovemaking. so they crawled, both of them shaking and giggling, to the blanket they'd laid out at the base of their sofa. upon the blanket lay several plates.

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Accidents happen

He could find at least a little respite from the harsh day though, getting settled onto the well used pillow besides his low set computer table, the horse quickly booting it up while the house was empty; he knowing it would stay that way for a while.

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For a moment, they both pant heavily, seeking respite from the heat of passion but finding none in the sultry surroundings. she tucks her paws behind her back and leans against a nearby bulkhead, tail dangling between her legs.


# of Uses for a Pink Mouse pt 3 (Illustrated)

As soon as one person had filled their cups another would rush forward, giving shayla virtually no respite.

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Soothing Milk On A Warm Summer Day

There was nothing malicious in her intentions; she truly did just enjoy messing with the timid, fearful husky, but this time, she thought she might be able to tease him, while giving him a bit of a respite from her usual pranks and games.

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A Week's Worth of Growth, Chapter One

_ he wondered, and as he continued to walk, the sun passed behind a wall of delicate, fluffy clouds, and the momentary respite from the light went past a pleasant cool off, wrapping right around to an eerie chill that ran down the length of kc's spine.

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