Set before the events in "Eye of The World" by Robert Jordan. This story follows a slave named Ktanos who discovers he can channel and tried to escape before the Aes Sedai hunt him down because he can channel. Little does he know The Dragon Reborn...
Character Development, Plot Development
Ace ground in pain looking up, alarms blared in his ears as rescue crews worked to save people from the debris from fallen building. Luna stood over him with toothy smirk. Ace growls and tried to get up but he was trapped under rubble completely at the...
Plot Development, Story Progression
a collection of stories set in the White Fur Brother's series. A group of short stories of charaters that may or may not be part of the main stories.
Character Development, Plot Development
Kain awoke first, having had a disturbing dream. He held Kitten close, and as he realized she was fine, the dream disapated. He lay there for some time, just watching Kitten when he felt her hips moving restlessly, and from the way she was breathing,...
Feline, Plot Development, Tiger
Cars honking their horns, conversations from the street, as well as the bustle of every day life float into the large window of office building, adding a bit of variety to the mundane sounds of typing inside the large room full of a maze of cubicles....
Human, Intro, Plot Development
The Pendulum, by Karai Crocuta
Chapter I: Introduction
Twilight came over the city, the sun showing it's last bit of brightness. Cory was looking up at the sky, watching as dark clouds invaded it from the opposite end, as if they were moving...
Hyena, Lion, Plot Development
Waking slowly, Kerr luxuriates in the feeling of the soft, warm sheets. Rolling over on his left side to cuddle up to Miera he is surprised to find only empty bed. Turning the other way and opening his eyes, instead of soft, black fur, he see a smooth,...
Pantheress, Plot Development, Rabbit
_This piece came about as an attempt to clarify Kerr and Miera's relationship, which it doesn't do, and give a few hints as to their civilisation's past. Therefore; no yiff in this chapter..._
As the sunlight moves across the rabbit's body...
Pantheress, Plot Development, Rabbit
\*Disclaimer\* All Location, Names and Characters are © Jordan P. Unless Otherwise Noted
The Retalian race and original concept is © Tom M.
February 2005 \*/Disclaimer\*
Author's Note: So this is the long awaited chapter 3. There isn't a whole...
Human, Plot Development, Reptile
The Ideal Condition
Chapter 4
Angels in America
Disclaimer: First off, I promised Faora that he could review this, so back off Bob! Not that I want to wait forever, you see, but give him a chance. This story may or may not contain consensual...
Bisexual, Plot Development, Romance
The first in a series of three I'm writing because I'm bored. It's a darker tone than I usually take, but it was...interesting. Hope you enjoy just the same!
- Faora
The twin armies swarmed out onto the battlefield with cries of rage....
Dragon, No-Yiff, Plot Development
\*The names of these characters represent myself and some friends. This story is of my own creation, so no stealing! ©bbykttygrl21\*
In our quiet little hillside, back of the woods city of Gryphon Falls, many peculiar things happen here. For it is...
Adventure, Bisexual, Plot Development