Part VIII - The Heart is Just a Muscle

God knew where his shirt had been all day, but he wrestled off his jeans and boxers the second the door shut behind him. "Get your slave ass in here," Sam's growl drifted from the living room, "now." Leo scrambled. If nothing else, Sam clearly knew...

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Part VII - Who Are You, Taking Coffee No Sugar

Leo came down in the morning without a shirt. He'd woken up to find it gone from the neat pile on the floor. "Huh," Will hadn't sounded surprised. "Guess you're not wearing a shirt today then, pup." The living room held only that dim, clear, faintly...

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Part VI - These Waters That Reflect No Stars

Will reached his and Sam's room to find Leo's jeans, shirt, and boxers folded on the floor at the foot of the bed. The wolf himself was naked, on his knees, beside them. "Uh," Leo began nervously, "you didn't say whether I was to kneel, sir,...

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Part IV - All and Then Most of You, Some and Now None of You

"You keep any kind of exercise routine?" "Uh, no sir. I used to be on the football team in high school, but the last few years..." "The breakup again?" "...yessir." Will gave him the kind of look you would give someone who said they'd blown all...

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Part III - New Unfolding His Imprison'd Pride

This picnic table probably hadn't been here when this place had been actual offices. Will's keen investigative instincts told him that the taco truck people had brought it and set it up. An operating office park wouldn't have a plastic table with a...

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Part II - The Tender Things Are Those We Fold Away

"You work in the morning?" "Yessir." "Really, on Saturday? Huh." Kane was being very patient, he thought, while Will passed a beat-up phone back to whoever-the-hell-this-was. "You're gonna text me on your first break, then." "Yessir. Uh, what do I...

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Part V - No Laws to Treat My People Ill

"Oh it was fascinating, the seminar on impasto technique actually came to blows! Between the Van Gogh faction and the Rembrant fans!" judging from the stoat's tone this was wonderful news. "Convention security had to taser three different...

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Part I - He Gave to Mis'ry All He Had

"Oh hey, didn't expect you to be working tonight." "Well, I hear Keith," Kane didn't even bother pretending to look at the ID he'd been handed, for all he knew it could have said 'William Adler, President of Space Balloonland,' "finally broke up with...

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Blank Verse Essay On The Futility of So-Called "A.I." Art

My husband, sometimes, draws erotica, He has for years. I'm sure you know the kind, A tiger man and husky man, perhaps, Or handsome fox and manly-smug raccoon, Or fatherly but dangerous wolf, in all The situations that might give excuse For them...

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Solar Eclipse, Saturday October Tenth

The light has turned the color of the shadows on his jawline, The color of the scent of fur and stubble on his jawline. And I? I can do nothing. This is happening regardless Of anything my will could try to do but won't attempt to. His shadow fills...

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