Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Two

Chapter Two "Where Am I?" By Furry Sith Lord I ran as fast as I could because I knew I had to get away but the more I ran the more I realized that I was running away from my family. I made an excuse in order to leave the mansion...

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter One

Chapter One "Previously" By Furry Sith Lord I felt groggy as I lay on my back and felt grass brushing against my fur. I could feel it touching every inch of me and realized I was in only my fur. I could not...

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Reading List

**_The White Fur Brothers Series_** 1. **My Slave Family** 2. **Shadow of The White Citadel** 3. **Evil Rises** 4. **Gaining Lost Time ** Paraskepite Raised By Wolf

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Gaining Lost Time- Description

This is book 4 of my White Fur Brothers series. In this book Tyger wakes to find himself having somehow been sent back in time. He struggles between not wanting to change the future and wanting to change it in order to prevent his father from dying....

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Five "The Machine" By Furry Sith Lord Bear sat nervously waiting as he wore a suit and sat on a bench in the courthouse. He used a finger to tug at his collar as it felt uncomfortable pressing against his neck. He...

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Raised By Wolf- Description.

This is the story of Shion a full adult that was raised by an abusive foster mother. When he learns that his foster mother has adopted another child he steps in to try and protect his foster brother from some of the things he faced. Along the way Shion...


Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Four "Mending" By Furry Sith Lord "Hey look, it's Bear!" Lyon shouted. We were in the living room watching television. I was more lost in thought as I kept thinking about father that I wasn't paying attention....

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 27

Episode 27 "To Catch A Zord Pt. 3" By Furry Sith Lord Previously on Power Fur Rangers, after the Green Dragon Zord was captured the rangers received a message from The Power Masked Rangers and they gave a chair to help recharge...

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The Human War- Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve "Time Grows Short" By Furry Sith Lord Merrik sniffed loudly as he sat at the boardroom table in an office of C.I.Z.A. Leggo was hunched over his toy tiger from his Tail Waggin Meal. He had grabbed a bottle of White...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 25

Episode 25 "To Catch A Zord Pt. 1" By Furry Sith Lord Movin in like lightning, You never know what they're gonna throw at you, Don't give up! Just Stand Your Ground. The Fight is Tough, But We're Behind...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 26

Episode 26 "To Catch A Zord Pt. 2" By Furry Sith Lord Previously on Power Fur Rangers, The Evil Emperor returns and with his new powers was able to take control of The MegaZord. Tom jumps into battle hoping The Dragon Zord will...

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