North and South Chapter 9: The Cleansing
This time, master chen was not around to free luke if he should be corrupted again... "come here..." he said softly, tugging him to his knees gently and wrapping his arms around volcan tightly, rocking him slowly back and forth to try and comfort him.
Little Mistakes
This was a cheap bottle, but when it came to min chen and wine the price hardly mattered to her. if it was dry and red it checked off the two most important criteria. cheap just meant she could buy it in bulk at kroger to keep her pantry stocked.
10a - The Song of the Temple Dog - Part 1
"i think i would have tried if you had asked, chen," saand said, smiling. "it is sometimes good to challenge one's limitations." chen smiled. "i am glad we can ask now, saand." noboru sighed. "we all smell of newly born beasts.
Ariadne and The Tales of Heroes (No-Sex Version)
Before them they stood at a small shrine placed in honor of chen tuan. it was a small stone open shrine that can shield people under it from the sun and meditate.
Ariadne and The Tales of Heroes (Erotic Fiction Version)
Before them they stood at a small shrine placed in honor of chen tuan. it was a small stone open shrine that can shield people under it from the sun and meditate.
The Eastern Lands
"i'm zhang chen tzu." though it took an awkward amount of time, loki at last shook paws with zhang. "loki," he simply responded. i think he would have retreated into his hood had he not put it down to eat.