Wind of Change: Chapter 35

"and you're also the only one with a 23rdcentury cyber-prosthetics in that draconian world. in any sense, you're a visitor in that world, too."

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Cyber Born Chapter 2 "Variety"

Chapter 2 "Variety" Okiniwa, one of most criminal infested island in the world was now under the watch of a teenage robot, although many criminals didn't take him seriously. The first month had already gone by and the crime rate had...

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[CyberNecromancy] The Whispered Silence

It's called the 'shadow' and it had become one of the primary reasons why cyber-necromancy is so outlawed these days."

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Repaid in Silver

It was slippery and slightly bitter, definitely not one of those gene-engineered cocktails that the "enhanced" cybers down here in fifth sector had.

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Assignment #1- Love Thyself

"c-cyber-trackers? that network sponsored, bounty hunter organisation? you're with them now?"

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Background Information 5: Limbo

Bravestarr is assisted in his duties by his partner, a cyber-steed by the name of thirty-thirty, who is also noted as a crack shot and immensely strong, albeit short of temper.

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Scarlet - Chapter 3

We reached the ivy gate and slipped inside using my executive key card, given to me by the higher-ranking politicians in return for a little cyber-espionage into the red roses' networks.

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Portals - Chapter 1

\* \* \* \* \* [biometric signature detected] [scanning.....100%] [geoff torla] [dob 25/4/2857] [age 26] [rodent/m] [2% cyberization] the holoemitters automatically scanned the pattern of his body and logged

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Exodus - Chapter one: First contact

Is it a cyber-attack, or are they taking down our satellites?!" he asked frantically as he was already barking orders into his earpiece.

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117 Minutes of hell

Sparks briefly nodded as he hammered his fingers into the keyboard, obviously he was the guy responsible for cyber-warfare of this group. "jeeeeeez....that is not looking too good, guys.

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Evolution on Demand

Megumi's cyber optics includes video capturing for just such an occasion as she uploads the footage of what has already occurred to the kiboshi web presence.

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Chaser: Chapter Five

I like my body the way it is, but when i get old and start to lose my edge, i just might give the cyber-body thing a shot. assuming i can afford it by then." "is shakira's body a custom build?

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