Azerite Language Notes

Azur-sey-kit = child of the feline. aiun-sey-kit = child of the saint.


Azerite Lore Dump 1

An azerite is a homonid feline native of the planet azeron, orbiting the star azeroth, within the edges of one of the milky way's arms.


When Darkness Finds the Light (Chapter 1)

It was a picture of a feline man and a feline woman, and the woman was holding what looked like their baby. annabelle squinted her eyes as she looked at the picture.


Details of Creeds: The Magui

As warriors, magui are not the strongest due to their small stature - they can be as small as half the height of an average azerite (born under the jade feline) and are prone to being taken out with one solid blow from a phoenix kin.


Details Of Creeds: Phoenix Kin

Due to the length of the phoenix's watch, they are the third most common of the pure azerite creeds - surpassed by those under the jade feline and the magui, born under the fortunate orphan.


Condensed Biographies: Prince Azazel, part one.

It would take some time for it to sink in that azazel had come into contact with what may as well be an alien to him - the fellow feline quite so familiar he hardly acknowledged their differences aside their language, if not for their alteration in colour


The Long Haul: Chapter 2

The Long Haul: Chapter 2 Don't say that. Look at you now. Look at me?! Look at you! Don't worry about me. Everyone always worries about me, let's worry about you for once. - -Nicholas- The day was getting long and old for me in the back of the...

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Illian: Red Twilight

As he stood in front of the flap that led inside his feline's tent, he began to think again about the child she might be carrying, his child.


The Christmas Gift

As quietly as only a feline could pad, james snuck into the house. he looked around as shivers of excitement ran down his spine, mixed with the slightest fear of being caught. he walked around for a moment, admiring his mates taste in décor...

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Claiming The Home (Preview Chapter)

And on comes a feline, a house cat indeed, looking over his script, reading with a need. "no no no. none of this holiday rhyming nonsense. vexen... today is the day we take over the couch!"

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A Stolen Heart

Quick request, who ever found out my cell number, stop calling me. It's annoying to pick up and answer, then get my eardrum burst by your sudden girly screams then listen to the dial tone for two minutes before I realise you've hung up. Seventeen times...

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Fancy's Ravishing - A ToonTown story

Fancy: Pink Kitty Ranger: Red Doggie This is gonna be too wierd if you aren't familiar with Toon Town, so please excuse the beginning if it seems a bit boring. Please feel free to ask any questions about it. I want opinions on my writing. ...
