29. The Minstrel's Misery

"so, why are you singing then if you're going to restrict an obvious rhyme." the braxien scoffed at the girl. "i am not trying to rhyme necessarily. a limerick doesn't have to." "sure it does if it fits." she said. "why is it you're singing anyway?"

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Comment #1 on Symbiosis By Felsune

#2 of rhyme-licked comments innacurate but succinct comment on: [symbiosis chapter 2 rewards by felsune](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1171512) there once was a female brawler / who fancied herself a dungeon crawler / once force-fed slime / she's now

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With a heart so big...

"poems, so full of wonder and love, soaring higher than a flock of dove, speaking in rhymes and verses, nothing comes close in power versus, gentle yet strong, and yet so rarely wrong, poems drive our hearts, working all the fitted parts!"

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#4 of lime-ricks and rhyme-licks a dirty limerick about the benefits of exercise.

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Dirty Skunk

#1 of lime-ricks and rhyme-licks the start of a new hobby: littering sofurry with bad poetry! there once was a skunk / who got covered in spunk / once cum dried / and fur stuck to hide / everyone knew why it stuck.


Go to Sleep

I realize there's probably tons of things named "go to sleep", but here's my rhyme for you.


Unimportant Verse 5

I know i cannot hope to offer much but word on cloying word, dull rhymes i strain to proffer: small flowers, small gifts, camaraderie.


My Daydream

A living picture of rhymes and games, characters and people, possessing no names. flying through the air, not leaving the sofa. traveling through space, without lifting a finger. back into the times, of the dinosaur's reign.

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Give Me a Reason.

And your rhyme. and your prejudice. what a stupid reason.



#4 of dean: story a small rhyme i wrote.


Welcoming myself

I admit.. my poems never seem to rhyme.. rhythm is off.. i am better with stories, but this poped into my head, so, yeah.. i hope at least someone finds it to be okay. ^^; tail swishing, eyes shining bright, dancing slowly, on this full moon's night.



#28 of love i'll be yours and you'll be mine such a perfect rhyme... say when. i'll wrap your arms around my waist and feel your mouth taste say when.

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