Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 16

"this spell won't last," the blue-gray unicorn warned, his horn still glowing; "but it will stop their advance long enough for you to get your second wind."

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Venom Rising- Allegiances

Deputy: icestorm (blue gray tom with blue eyes.)   medicine cat: fernpelt (calico she cat with blue eyes. mentor to snowpaw.)   warriors: redclaw  (muscular dark red tom with green eyes.) frostclaw  (rogue-born, sleek black furred tom with ice blue eyes.

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Happy Birthday Andy Bunneh

The blue, gray, and white husky moves back to allow the next, while rubbing his now shit covered sheath and balls where the cub had leaked on him.

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These Days of Ours - Chapter 1

The sky was a light blue-grey and the mountains took varied shades of blues, greys and purples. the small ledge the four climbers inhabited led to a very steep dropoff, which they had scaled the night before.

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It All Starts Here

The person sleeping next to him james had a small crush on; he was morris briscoe the most muscular guy in the school, james was a wolf-dragon hybrid with pale blue-gray fur and so was morris so you would think they would be equal mates.

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From The Wilderness - Jee Veerey (Brave One)

Eventually causing that blue-grey disc to fall towards the key, unable to feel like this is all some sort of trap.

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Nature's Story: Epilogue

The blue-grey fur was soft to the touch. it felt good. "what happened to you was terrible. no-one should have to live through what you did." sera shifted, holding nature's paws tighter.

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Family Tradition VI: Omegan Orgy

Then his blue-grey cock started spurting, shooting his load all over his beefy body. as the turian's tunnel tightened even further around his member wrex reached his orgasm and shot his juice deep into grizz's body.

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Profile: Isabelle Schaeffer

Wears colors purple, blue, gray, black, and red. hair is either loose, in a braid or a rat tail. fighting style: capoeira and martial arts.

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Venom Rising- Prologue

The blue gray tom advised.   lavenderpaw groaned inwardly.

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 07

His studied his blue-gray eyes. the color had an actual name, 'livid' but he preferred blue-gray. he liked the duality it implied. the duality he represented. an ai created from a living brain.

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Thyme and Merlayne

The blue-gray on his face ran over the back of his head and down his spine to his large, dark tail.

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