Dragon Heart 4

**Chapter Four: Love doesn't hurt** "Any questions so far?" Brandon wore his old clothes of blue and white as he sat at his old desk, looking at his old teacher. Some of the...

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DRagon Heart 3

**Chapter Three: A story of Love** "Brandon!" Saira made her way though their cave looking for her human husband with worry, he somehow made his way out of her gasp without...

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Dragon Heart 2

Chapter Two: Meeting the Family Brandon felt somewhat cold the next morning, something he didn't understand. He curled into a tight ball trying with all his might to cling to the dream he had the night before, a dream he always wish he would have;...

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To Break A Dragon's Heart

To break a dragon's heart after hours at the skate park trixie and spud decided to call it a night and head home. jake and fido soon did the same. fido was so tired that jake decided to put her on his back and fly themselves home.


Dragon's Heart Prologue

#1 of dragon's heart technically speaking, this was - and is - the first fanfic i ever wrote. needs a little touch-up work now, but...i'll get there.

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Dragon Heart: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven: Blood doesn't Matter _sorry it been so long, i just had wroter block on this, so enjoy and tell me what you think!_ Greydor woke up that morning under his grandmother wing, he was about to move when the thoughts of what happened with...

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Dragon's Heart Prologue REDUX

#9 of dragon's heart i am attempting to rewrite "dragon's heart," seeing as i last worked on it over two years ago. believe me, writing this made me cry.

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 7

#8 of dragon's heart this is the most i ever got with the original iteration of "dragon's heart," so there isn't anything left after this point. however, i will go on to rewrite and work on this.

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 6

#7 of dragon's heart first flight comet dove out of the way as the skarmory tried to claw his face off with its razor sharp talons.

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 5

#6 of dragon's heart the real battle of the ex's, pt.1 darla's first pokémon was the flareon, whose body was shimmering slightly due to the sheer amount of heat coming off the pokémon. comet nodded to cale.

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 4

#5 of dragon's heart battle of the soon-to-be ex's "okay, so let me get this straight dad," comet said as he was walking down the halls of the sky pillar, his voice raised more out of annoyance than anger, "arceus, **_the alpha pokémon_** who basically

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 3

#4 of dragon's heart inheritance _"in a stunning display of heroism, a young man saved a young girl from being run over by an out of control semi. now, terry, we have no clue as to what happened, so can you enlighten us as to what transpired?"

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