Karter's story: Chapter 3. The whereabouts of happiness

He wanted to find happiness and fast.. that wasn't until karter had met a strange friend. a black mixed with with striped tabby cat his name scott and he shown a great liking in karter, slowly gaining the hell hound hybrids trust..


The Power of the Mind (Thoughts)

If i die, my inner self never lives to see the light of the sun life is the only shot of finding happiness i'll ever get, so i must make the most of it. anything is possible, including living past 100 or dying in a matter of nanoseconds.

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Story: Rex - Old Blue Eyes the Wanderer

In more recent years, he has been spending his time as a truck driver, traveling the roads, wandering in the hope that he can find happiness once again.

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The Sand Castle

Reminding me that there is still time to love, to find happiness. my wings twitch on my back, reminders of a love given to me once.

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slaves we are not

Please just promise me you will find happiness." i say hugging her tightly again. "just please promise me this." feeling her sob and sob to finally calm down. "ok sis, i promise. but tell me we won't be separated please."

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The Singularity

Most of the time it is content, finding happiness and comfort in the daily routine it has adopted. it keeps a vegetable garden, which it tends dutifully every morning after rising from a usually peaceful and dreamless slumber.

Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 14

"i find happiness...and they take it away from me? i find love...and they take it away from me. i find peace...and they take it away from me!" he screamed and threw an iv apparatus into the next room.

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Mortality Chapter 10

He had brett and dan but he needed sam to complete his story and find happiness... r3 was keeping this reality safe for him... ... for the eventuality that he'd take back _legacy_ and find happiness...

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Kairos Backstory

He wonders though if he will ever find happiness in life. he yearns for a mate, but has also accepted the fact that, despite being a kind and loving fox, that he may just always be alone, and it causes great conflict within him to this day.


Bardic Scales 3

#35 of tik tik into the wildlands the miserable kobold kret never thought she would find happiness in a backwater town that has used and abused her, but it seems her dreams have come true when this bard gives her all the attention she craves.

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Bardic Scales 1

Can she find happiness in just simply admiring beauty in the world around her?perhaps giving that a try can't be so bad, but damn... "is this seat taken, little one?" a velvety voice speaks up from behind her.

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Cutting to deep.

In all of this, one man's attempt to find happiness is always fleeting. daniel is a typical astrophysicist with a phd in mechanical engineering. loved comics, new tech, space, and furry. he had his own suit. which was a cross between a wolf and a deer.

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