Sharing the Ultimate Experience (10/10)
As syrath could see that the goo snake was thoroughly engrossed in the thoughts he was allowing to seep into his brain he allowed his own mind to wander for a bit.
Sharing the Ultimate Experience (9/10)
As they did so the eastern dragon saw that the attention of the goo snake inside of the rubber bull's body had moved himself over to the windows that looked over the specimen containment chamber.
Sharing the Ultimate Experience (8/10)
"a fight is exactly what i have come for," the bull said with a smile, though as it did so gabriel could see the goo snake tongue it possessed shift slightly past his lips before slipping back in.
Alien Attunement
Though there was a momentary stretching sensation it quickly became numb as he spun around to see the goo snake creature holding a vial with a faint red discoloration.
Sharing the Ultimate Experience (1/10)
"it feels good master syrath," the three goo snake hypnagas said, their eyes swirling with color in the exact same pattern as the one that controlled them.
A Most Dangerous Game (9/10)
"so powerful..." the goo snake hissed. "i could get used to a body like this, no longer would the others be able to push me around." "uh, zakerst?" anoni asked, seeing the blank orbs of the creature's eyes looking straight at him.
[Draconicon] Slithery Relations, 1: Explosive Infestation
Related art: embarks on a solo diving expedition to recover lost treasure, but unwittingly smuggles back some parastic goo snakes with him too. (5.9k words) commissioned from @@draconicon gallery link:
Into the Beyond
The transforming canine's word trailed off as his voice grew steadily deeper, feeling the tendrils of goo snake their way into his muzzle as more of it slid up the back of his head.
A Surprise Referral
When they got to the edge of the central pool a creature had already started to form from the surface of the goo, forming into a snake-like shape that the nanite dragon recognized as renzyl's brother, the goo snake athear.
A Surprise Party
When they got to the bar they found the usual minions of athear there tending it, though as renzyl said that he wanted something special from the nexus beast of the goo snake himself vyrnen's eyes widened when they popped up from behind the bar.
Easter Egg in the Hardware
"it appears that our experiment was a failure," ramon said as he looked down at the monstrous goo snake, though as they watched they could see something bubble to the surface as the metallic dust inside them started to form into a shiny skin from which the
A Surprise Tour
At this point vyrnen was completely inundated with lust, both fed to him mentally by the grinning goo snake that continued to watch him and from the tentacle sliding into his throat and against his tailhole.