Play in Port

"tadibast, great one." "you will be my whore tonight, tadibast." "mmmm, i know that this will be enjoyable, great one." she sat up, resting her hands against his chest before running them down his arms.

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Nova Wars 1: The Usual Plan

"if you would press the button at the end of the contract, oh great one?" "yes, yes, contracts...the mammals are strange ones for those, aren't they?" "well, their memories are not as good as ours, great one."

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 36

great one, what weapon will you use?" "i, too, shall use the short sword." "very good, great one. now, i must say this even though both of you already understand it.

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Their offspring had been the great ones, part naga and part snake.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 13

"no, great one. you have been more than fair with me and my master. you truly live up to the alternate title of 'great one'. you are truly a--great one."

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Slayer or Layer 31

"scout, great one. that is the responsibility that you carry." "...that _i_ carry?" "the great one chooses where we hunt, where we gather.

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Slayer or Layer 28

I'm in charge of the village, part of the great one's council of this mountain." "...why doesn't anyone tell me these things? why?" he muttered. the end

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 11

However, i said, "great one, did not the ka' mu-naka say that i may choose any mory to be my counsel, even you?" he knew i had him over the proverbial barrel.

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Slayer or Layer 29

Ya ain't one of the great ones, even though ya look like one. can't tell me what to do." the annoying thing was, the shaman was probably right.

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