I Walk Alone

**i walk alone** my heart broken one time too many and as the pain grew too much the heart once soft turns solid stone the person once caring now emotionless doomed by choice to forever walk alone on love i gave up as all hope was

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As I Watch

| # as i watch there i stood, heart broken forever. you turned around and walked away, leaving me wondering why. why did you just end this? everything was going so well, the love we shared was grand.

Heaven's Vixens song book

I left your heart broken i left your soul in tears i left you needing the thing i never gave will heaven be there for me with all i've done? will they let me in knowing how much i hurt you? will i be forgiven for all the things i've said?

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Six Word Stories

· his heart's broken; it bleeds despair. · through the caliginous forest, the destination.

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What Tigers Dream Of - Chap. 8

"he told me because he didn't want me to risk having my heart broken at such a young age and i agree with him, i don't want my heart broken either but-"how would i break your heart tj? i let my own defenses down for you..." slater interrupted.

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The CCC Chapter one

"omg that is like sooooo fancy much more fancy than the prince zimbu" at those words zimbu was heart broken so zimbu ran away and got lost in canada because he didn't know the canadians mysterious culture until a letter from hogwartz told zimbu to go to the

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The Bar...

.** as i sit in my chair, surrounded by thoughts openly spoken i hear only whispers among the many with hearts broken living in times long past that led to this place of there former selves, even on the highest of shelves, there isn't a trace what

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broken, heal with time, words so tenderly spoken, aren't worth a dime somehow i found friends among people who before, i wouldn't give a day my resolve hasn't weakened, i've jus become docile when bearing my teeth before getting carried away

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Author's Update - I Can't Go On

I wouldn't be in this situation, just like all the other heart broken individuals who wanted to make things right. so much emotions are mixed inside of me; i don't know whether to scream or cry my eyes out.

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Broken Hearts

So he goes to a friend for comfort, but when feelings start to surface will he let them grow or is his heart broken beyond repair? _why did he do it? did i do something wrong?_ marcus thought as he was in the shower.

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Exit Music...

Eventually; the thunk of the axe and the smashing of glass was replaced with the splashing of petrol; the sound of a song on the radio and the choked sobs of the heart-broken male. this was it... there was no going back...

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~~~The Lonely Gloom~~~

~k~ just a pome we made about when we lost some one ~n~for a while we where in a dark place and where heart broken ~k~then we made some friends here and they made us feel better ^no act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted^ ~n~ we sit here alone

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