Sonic and the Deliberate Mary Sue 1
A mary sue parody with an actual storyline. chapter 4 will be uploaded around a week after this one.
Sonic and the Deliberate Mary Sue 1
A mary sue parody with an actual storyline. chapter 3 will be uploaded around a week after this one.
Sonic and the Deliberate Mary Sue 1
A mary sue parody with an actual storyline. chapter 2 will be uploaded around a week after this one.
Die Drachenherz-Krise
Surasshus rolle als hauptchar wird mehr hervorgehoben, aber nicht zu sehr das man ihm am ende den „mary sue" stempel auf die stirn klatschen könnte.
Point proven
Raidenraijin smells a mary sue dogato: mary sue? o-o 03:25i need to reform and refine it. raidenraijin: dogato: bingo mchanga fisi of the sands.: okay going to read it now.
A Lost Soul
And for glaux sakes, try not to make your character a complete mary sue, which is a character with no faults whatsoever, and is perfect in every way. as always, read and review. this is sampd out.
A Royal Gift Of Anna
"Welcome to the Pride Lands," Sarabi said. "Hakuna Matatta," she added. "No worries!" Bruma squeaked. "I like this place!" "I am Sarabi," the old lioness went on, "matriarch of the pride, mother of the king. And you?" "Forgive me," the panthress...
Cafe Plaisir: Canid's Adventure EX2 - True Nature
Not only was he very out-of-place in the world of plaisir (i never really did anything with how he was different - it never featured as a plot point), but he was also such a mary sue (everyone likes him, like, totally) that any kind of overarcing storyline
A bunch of questions answered about me. Thanks Arctic. Jerk.
Stop being a mary-sue. i don't really understand that inference and i am far too lazy to look it up. 6.) uh... if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win?
Ultimate Sexual Champion Tournament - Prologue.
I'll try not to be a mary sue. but the good news, is if you think i /am/ being sue-ish, i can be voted out.
Outsider Ch.1
\>w\< this story is probably just going to be for my fantasies, so the chars will probably seem really mary sue-ish. but that is how i like my fantasies! \>3 yus, there will be more chapters, and they will have sexy stuffs in them.
Chapters 5+6
If he wasn't such a mary sue i would up-grade him to the apostle status."